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How Companies Can Encourage Employees to Adopt CSR Goals in and out of the Office

How Companies Can Encourage Employees to Adopt CSR Goals in and out of the Office


Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) goals are large-scale company initiatives that maximize the shared value between employees, shareholders, community members, and more. In today’s sustainable-forward society, many CSRs are centered around going green, reducing carbon footprints, and eliminating inequalities.

It’s essential for every business – big and small – to adopt CSR goals and encourage employees to practice them in and out of the office. The clearer your goals are at work, the more likely it is that your employees will keep up those habits in their personal lives.

Not sure where to get started? Let’s take a closer look at specific CSR goals as they relate to the environment and how you can implement them into your business.

Create Sustainable Policies

The easiest way to both set and achieve CSR goals is to have policies in place that make sustainability within the office easy. Set up practices that are simple to adhere to for maximum effect. Make it clear to employees why going green is good for the environment and overall business. It can reduce costs and improve brand image.

Knowing the quick facts can motivate them to adopt green habits. Further, let your team know how going green can benefit their health. As part of your sustainable policies and practices, don’t be afraid to talk about those health benefits, including:

  • Better mental health.
  • Smarter food choices.
  • Reduced exposure to harsh chemicals.

You can also encourage your employees to take some of the practices from the office into their daily home lives. Things like recycling, composting, and finding alternative ways to commute are all fantastic things people can do at work and at home.


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Work With the Community

One of the best ways to boost awareness around green initiatives is to partner with community organizations. Set up volunteer opportunities for your employees and show your surrounding community that you care about its well-being. Help your community and the planet while volunteering as a company by hosting a recycling drive, “adopting” a highway to clean up trash, or working with a local conservation organization to promote a greener tomorrow.

By having volunteer days within your business, you could end up inspiring your workers to volunteer more on their own or show more interest in helping others and the environment during their free time.

Improve Company Culture

When you establish a company culture centered on green initiatives, your employees are more likely to take that energy home with them. Take the time to educate your staff on what it means to live sustainably at work and at home.

Take a look at some of the business leaders in sustainability across the globe. Don’t hesitate to adopt training programs and practices that can work for your business, too. Share that information with your staff and explain how every single one of them can make a difference.

Of course, it’s not enough to just talk about sustainability. If you truly want your employees to maximize their efforts in and out of the office, make sure they have the right resources. Things like installing solar panels, using energy-efficient appliances and machinery in the office, and upgrading lighting are all things that will improve sustainability in the workplace. They’re also things your employees can take advantage of at home if they know how. Provide them with the right materials, connect them to the right people, and encourage them to adopt the same eco-friendly culture outside of work — reducing the carbon footprint of their home and work activities.

As you can see, there are plenty of ways to encourage your employees to adopt CSR goals at work and beyond. There’s never been a better time to “go green” and start promoting sustainability in your office. Not only will it create a healthy, positive environment for your employees, but it will help to create a brighter future for the planet.

by Sam Bowman

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The Renewable Energy Hub

Publisher for The Renewable Energy Hub. This account publishes articles of interest from a range of experts and authorities.


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