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Janet Richardson


Updated on

Sep 04, 2024

Read Time : 1 Minutes

Future of Wind Turbine Technology

The renewable energy technologies market is growing exponentially, and advances in wind turbine technology represent a large proportion of this growth.

Research suggests that in the future wind energy will be the most cost-effective source of electrical power. However, the effects of the growth of the wind turbine sector are being felt already, with UK wind power generating enough power for 21 million homes in 2024 saving 34 million tonnes of CO2 emissions annually. It is estimated that by 2030 this figure will rise to 29.98 million homes, a whopping 50 GW of power! 

Project Nova V-Shaped Turbine

Advances in turbine technology are also leading to greatly improved system performances and efficiencies and lower component costs, which means that wind energy is emerging as a genuine competitor to more established but harmful energy sources such as gas and coal.

Scientists are also working to build wind turbines which can continue to generate electricity even in extremely high winds (at present turbines must shut down in storms in order to avoid causing damage to the mechanism). Conversely, turbines which can function at very low wind speeds are currently in development, meaning that urban and suburban sites may become more suitable for the generation of wind energy.

Efforts are underway to minimize the environmental impact of wind turbines. Innovations in blade recycling and the development of eco-friendly materials are addressing concerns related to turbine disposal. Community engagement and better noise reduction technologies are also enhancing the acceptance and integration of wind turbines into local environments.

Overall, the future of wind turbine technology promises to be a cornerstone of the global transition to cleaner, renewable energy, contributing significantly to the fight against climate change.


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