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Purelec Energy Ltd

Purelec Energy Ltd

Our company, Purelec Energy, is located in rural Wakefield, West Yorkshire, and specializes in Solar Photo Voltaic systems. We also provide Electrical Contracting services to commercial and domestic clients. We recognized the potential for growth in the renewable industry early on and obtained Micro Generation Certification (MCS) and REAL Assurance membership in 2009, now known as the Renewable Energy Consumer Code (RECC). Additionally, we are NICEIC/Elecsa members, ensuring that all electrical contracting work we undertake meets current regulations. Our company's compliance with all four accreditations means that we are deemed competent and trustworthy in advising end-users on our technologies and services. For over twenty years, we have successfully provided electrical services for a diverse range of projects, from multi-million pound mill conversions and school rewires to lighting schemes and periodic inspections. Since the introduction of the "Clean Energy Cashback Scheme," also known as "The Feed In Tariff," in 2010, we have gained extensive knowledge of the renewable industry and the UK market, allowing us to carefully select reliable products that deliver on your investment. We have grown organically alongside the Feed In Tariff, offering the highest levels of customer service coupled with our expertise in choosing quality products. Our company's employees share the same passion for our work and have the necessary qualifications and training, which we provide on an ongoing basis.

Our Installation Expertise :

Solar Panels

Solar Panels

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