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Solar Advanced Systems announce “RIOS” to the Solar PV market

Solar Advanced Systems announce “RIOS” to the Solar PV market


Renewable Incentive Operating Scheme (RIOS) a solution to an ageing PPA market?

Energy and Climate Minister Greg Barker has announced a new UK Solar PV strategy this month that involves developing government estates, factories, supermarkets and car parks into ‘Solar Hubs’. The strategy will support the government’s un-binding target to achieve 20GW of solar installed by 2020, along with providing tens of thousands of jobs.

However, developing large buildings into power stations will require substantial amounts of investments to generate sufficient solar energy. With many companies having budget reviews for the upcoming year, concentrating on different areas for the business, solar projects may not currently be at the forefront of their plans.

With this in mind, and as a direct response to clients who dislike the ageing, contractually restrictive PPA’s, Solar Advanced Systems have worked hard in developing their “RIOS” scheme for commercial companies that allows the installation of a maintained and operated Solar PV installation with zero capital investment. The client will remain cash positive from year one, allowing them to benefit from reduced utility cost and the government backed Feed-In Tariff whilst retaining a flexible exit strategy.

The scheme is currently catering for companies with high energy demands throughout various industry sectors along with a growing interest in the Agricultural sector. With the support of Solar Advanced Systems, companies have developed their vacant roof space into solar power hubs, consuming all energy generated from the system and reducing their reliance on the national grid. Inclusive of this package, Solar Advanced Systems partner with these companies ensuring maximum efficiency and output throughout the lifetime of the system.

To summarise, RIOS provides companies with a capital free, fully maintained, energy secure solar PV opportunity whilst being fully flexible in its exit strategy.

With a proposed idea that all companies across the UK should be producing their own energy by ‘natural default’, we are working hand-in-hand to help both the Government and UK businesses to reduce dependence on fossil fuels in order to meet the UK’s 2020 targets. Contact Solar Advanced Systems to see how RIOS can you help you today.


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Janet Richardson

Janet is an accomplished director and writer at The Renewable Energy Hub. Janet has worked at a senior level at a number of publishing companies and is an authority on renewable energy topics. Janet is passionate about sustainable living and renewable energy solutions, dedicated to promoting eco-friendly practices and creating a vibrant community of eco-conscious individuals and businesses seeking sustainable energy solutions.


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